Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Origin of SPA

Father of Hydrotherapy

Sebastian Kneipp (1821 - 1897), the "Father of Hydrotherapy", once said that with the correct combination of water and herbs, almost any illness could be treated.

The SG2000 Hydrotherapy FIR Home SPA

The SG2000 is a home SPA using the combination of nature and technology to bring the hot spring effect to our homes. SG2000 home system provides 3 types of SPA treatments in one.

3 in 1 Treatment

Ozone & Negative Ions
1) Ozone & Negative Ions
SG2000 produces 46 liters of air per second that contains Ozone that conform to German Standards and above all other International requirements.

It is capable of : 
> Eliminating odors and bacteria
> Neutralizing chemicals, e.g. chlorine in water
> Improving air quality

It is a very strong disinfectant and is 3,000 time more powerful than chlorine. It has a natural whitening effect and helps in the processing of cleaning.

Besides Ozone, SG2000 also produces Negative Ions which helps to freshen up the surrounding air.The SG2000 SPA helps improve air quality which in turns builds up our immune system.

Far Infrared Rays
2) Far Infrared Rays
The 46 liters of air is delivered through a bath mat of PU blended with Bio-ceramic material that emits Far Infrared Rays. FIR is something form nature and promotes gentle Heat Therapy.

It causes the cells in our human body to resonate which produce the following effects :
> Improving our metabolism
> Improving our blood circulation

It changes the molecular structure of the water into sf water, thus making the water friendly to our skin. Bathing in soft water will not give us dry skin unlike chlorinated water.

Scientists have also found that Far Infrared Rays contain anti-cancer and anti-aging properties.

Ultrasonic Waves
3) Ultrasonic Waves
SG2000 deliver 46 liters of air through the 300 holes on the bath mat which generate more than a million powerful small bubbles per minute. When these bubbles rise, collide with one another and burst, they produce sound energy waves which are between 80 to 100 KHz.

This is not audible to the human ear. These energy waves are called Ultrasound or Ultrasonic Wave Energy.

5 Major Benefits

Internal Warming
1) Internal Warming
Ultrasonic energy rapidly penetrates into the body, warming it up from within. Starting from the bone, then radiating from within the bones to the muscles and finally dissipating through the skin.

This improves blood circulation which helps :
> To relieve symptoms of cold hands/feet, rheumatism, arthritis and backache
> To speed up the healing process of effected tissue and muscle
> To relieve tense and tired muscles


Total Body Massage
2) Total Body Massage
Experts estimate that 15 minutes of an Ultrasonic bubble massage bath is equivalent to an hour of a traditional massage. No risk of bodily tissue getting injured unlike a traditional massage. Frequent use can stimulate and strengthen our bodies' physiological process.


Deep Cleansing
3) Deep Cleansing
The Ultrasound produces Micro-tremors which remove dead skin cells and dirt from our body. This allows our skin tissues to breathe better, giving us clear and healthy looking skin, for example, to help people with an acne problem.


Total Body Care & Body Contouring
4) Total Body Care & Body Contouring
Each 15 minutes of Ultrasonic bath with warm water and high intensity can burn 300 - 400 calories. This helps tone and firm up our body. With SG2000 you can even do targeted slimming.


Exercise & Relaxation
5) Exercise & Relaxation
Every 15 - 20 minutes in the Ultrasonic bubble bath at High Intensity is equivalent to a 3 km jog. The SG2000 can help with Health conditions where Doctors prescribe exercise as a requirement.

Comparison Chart

Experimental Results

The Shizuoka Agricultural Society in Japan conducted the Ultrasonic Bubble Home SPA experiments with their members who suffer from the illness listed below, 30 subjects were used for each illness. As the results from using the Home SPA are excellent, the society strongly recommends all members to use the Ultrasonic Ozone Bubble Home SPA to maintain good health.